The last stage of the Flash “Rocket” is finally set!

Lobréau Serge-Maurice
3 min readDec 3, 2019

At a glance, we thought that we could rely on market solutions to release our architecture. Still, we quickly find out that it was way too complicated to deploy our ecosystem using the actual market offer. We have reoriented smoothly our thought even if we already announced it to our community in the Flashpaper that we might act that way.

FlashXchanger is one of the FlashGroup solutions which will allow the company to be independent and unique.

We are willing to become the first and preferred choice, for the niche market of people who in their Coin picking strategy want to create a basket only with cryptocurrencies link to a tangible asset like real-estate, commodities and so on and so forth.

FlashX” must become a well-known brand in that particular area, the additional feature brought by this Estonian Exchange is to encourage owners of cryptocurrency to use physical cold storage alternative solution to store their valuable coins Always!

There is a lot of digital asset exchange out there, and we must have a governance and marketing strategy utterly different from other actors. That’s the main reason why people land on a full advertising page when they are going on Flashxchanger, no banners or regular ads technics. Users will see what they are willing to see and they will be…



Lobréau Serge-Maurice

CEO of FLASHMONI/QUANTUM QORUM/SAPIAN&PARTNERS . Fmr Banker,Commodities Advisor,Cryptocurrencies specialist,Business Influencer,International trades specialist.